TMJ Treatment/Teeth Grinding in Plano, TX

Your chronic jaw pain, muscle tension, frequent headaches, and other symptoms could have a surprising source: your teeth!

Find Relief From Jaw Pain With TMJ Treatment

Misalignment in the jaw joint, or TMJ, and teeth grinding can both bring on persistent painful symptoms that make you miserable and threaten your dental health. Our team at My Dentist in Plano can help you find relief from pain and lasting solutions with our teeth grinding and TMJ treatment.

Our solutions for teeth grinding and TMJ disorder in Plano, TX can:

  • Alleviate pain in your jaw.
  • Ease the muscle tension in your face, neck, and shoulders.
  • End your chronic headaches and migraines.
  • Protect your teeth from damage caused by grinding and clenching.
  • Preserve healthy, comfortable function of your teeth.

To get to the bottom of your jaw pain and other symptoms, call us today to set up an appointment.

Let Us Help Ease Your TMJ Pain

Looking at your symptoms in addition to the wear of your teeth allows us to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. We offer several effective treatment options:

  • FDA-approved muscle relaxation injections to treat TMJ pain, myofascial pain, and muscle tension
  • Custom oral appliances and mouthguards to prevent teeth grinding and allow the jaw to heal
  • Massage triggered therapy with a certified massage therapist brought in especially for your treatment

Understand Your TMJ Symptoms

You might be surprised at what a skilled dentist can discover about your lifestyle and habits just by looking inside your mouth. When Dr. Dickson sees signs that you grind your teeth (bruxism) or clench your jaw, he may recommend that we investigate the possibility of TMJ disorder and teeth grinding.

We’ll also consider other symptoms you may be experiencing to determine if they can all be traced back to these conditions. Here are a few common signs of TMJ disorder and teeth grinding:

  • Frequent headaches and migraines
  • Soreness in the jaw
  • Pain and muscle tension in the face, neck, and shoulders
  • Earache pain
  • Clicking or popping noises in your jaw
  • Lockjaw
  • Difficulty or discomfort while chewing

We’ll do everything we can to provide effective, lasting solutions so you can live comfortably and focus on the things that really matter.

Make the choice to protect your teeth and live pain-free. Call or contact us online to learn about our teeth grinding and TMJ treatment in Plano, TX.

Darren K. Dickson DDS on TMJ Treatment

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