Sleep Apnea in Plano, TX

Are you tired of feeling tired? Is your loud nightly snoring driving a wedge between you and your spouse? Do you fight fatigue day after day?

Get Better Rest With Treatment For Sleep Apnea

If you’re ready to wake up feeling rested and refreshed, then it’s time to visit our Plano, TX dental office to get tested and treated for sleep apnea.

With help from Dr. Dickson at My Dentist in Plano, you can:

  • Get more restful sleep.
  • Feel energized throughout the day.
  • Stay focused at work more easily.
  • Restore intimacy with your spouse or partner.
  • Protect your overall health.

Get the rest you need to live a healthier, happier life. Call our office today to set up a free consultation.

Find Comfortable, Effective Sleep Solutions

You can breathe easily and get a better night’s sleep with our comfortable, effective sleep solutions in Plano, TX. We offer free sleep apnea consultations, where we’ll take steps to help you find relief from the nightly disturbances that come with this condition.

At My Dentist in Plano, you can:

  • Get accurate measurements of your airway with our i3D Smart CT machine, which may be covered by medial insurance.
  • Get a take-home test to monitor your snoring and sleep patterns.
  • Have your results reviewed by a sleep specialist for possible diagnosis.
  • Wear a custom oral appliance to keep your upper and lower jaw open for easy breathing.
  • Stop snoring so you and your significant other can regain the intimacy you’ve lost to this sleep disorder.

Avoid The Drawbacks Of A CPAP Machine

As widely recommended as CPAP machines are for sleep apnea treatment, nearly half of those who have one admit they never use it. That’s because a CPAP machine, although effective, isn’t the easiest treatment method for many apnea sufferers.

Some of the drawbacks of this form of treatment include:

  • It requires you to sleep near an electrical outlet to keep it powered all night.
  • It can be noisy, making it difficult for you and your partner to sleep.
  • It moves air through a mask attached to a hose, which many find uncomfortable.
  • It’s difficult to travel with on business trips and vacations.

Many patients prefer a more comfortable alternative, which is why we offer custom oral appliances to effectively treat symptoms of sleep apnea. We work with a medical billing agency to help decide if it’s best to use your medical benefits for your sleep appliance.

Protect Your Health From The Side Effects Of Sleep Apnea

You deserve to feel refreshed every morning and energized throughout the day. You also deserve to live a healthy, happy life with the person you love most. That’s why it’s so important to protect your health from the potential dangers of this untreated sleep disorder.

With an oral appliance from Dr. Dickson, you’ll not only get some much-needed sleep, but you can also decrease your risk for common health problems related to apnea, like:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Chronic depression
  • Weight gain
  • Gastric/acid reflux
  • Decreased libido

Regain control of your health, restore intimacy in your relationship, and get back to better sleep with treatment for your sleep apnea. Call or fill out our online form to schedule your free consultation.

Darren K. Dickson DDS on Sleep Apnea

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